We Are Looking for Partners in France

The Digital Music Observatory on the MaMA Festival & Convention

Daniel’s pitch - see excerpts below

Join us for a coffee on the MaMA Convention 2021.

The music industry has envied the television and film industry which has a single go-to-point for data when it needs them, the European Audiovisual Observatory. It started lobbying for a publicly financed music observatory. But we did not wait. The music industry has a tragic track record of failed centralized international data projects. We built Reprex out of a 12-country, decentralized music project. We learned how to utilize hidden, but already existing data and research funds well, and how to manage the data governance among the poisonous conflicts of interests between rich and poor countries, authors vs producers, producer’s vs performers.

  • Our Digital Music Observatory is not theoretical, it is practical, because it is built around real-life court cases, damage claims, lobbying and PR arguments.

  • Our Digital Music Observatory is comprehensive – it contains more than a thousand indicators from all European countries. We have enough data to test the biases of the Spotify or the YouTube algorithm – you would be surprised what the data tells us.

  • It has data available much sooner, in much higher quality and in a more practical format than in the Audiovisual one.

Daniel Antal
Daniel Antal

My research interests include reproducible social science, economics and finance.