Slovakia’s first music industry report. Following the three income streams model from creation till audience, we summarized for the the number of works that were created, recorded, staged in Slovakia in a year. We calculated their revenues, their value added, their employment effect and the investments of the recording industry. There is an extensive business development and policy conclusions chapter in the 227-pages report, which follows a similar Hungarian report.
The whole report can be downloaded for free from the homepage of SOZA.
Press reports in Slovak:
SME: [SOZA predstavila prvú Správu o slovenskom hudobnom priemysle](Čítajte viac:
Kreatívna Europa: Historicky prvá Správa o slovenskom hudobnom priemysle prináša okrem analýz aj odporúčania pre budúcnosť
In Hungarian: Új Szó: Tudományosan a hazai zeneiparról