Slovak Music Industry Report


Slovakia’s first music industry report. Following the three income streams model from creation till audience, we summarized for the the number of works that were created, recorded, staged in Slovakia in a year. We calculated their revenues, their value added, their employment effect and the investments of the recording industry. There is an extensive business development and policy conclusions chapter in the 227-pages report, which follows a similar Hungarian report.

The whole report can be downloaded for free from the homepage of SOZA.

Press reports in Slovak:

SME: [SOZA predstavila prvú Správu o slovenskom hudobnom priemysle](Čítajte viac:

Kreatívna Europa: Historicky prvá Správa o slovenskom hudobnom priemysle prináša okrem analýz aj odporúčania pre budúcnosť

In Hungarian: Új Szó: Tudományosan a hazai zeneiparról


Spáva o hudobnom priemysle na Slovensku from Dániel Antal